Elyssa Mc Donagh

Level 7


I’m drawn to exploring the truths behind the human condition through grotesque, carnivalesque and abject art usually with a sense of humour and absurdity. Enjoying the beauty in the imperfect, which grew into a fascination of the deformed, mangled and even decaying bodies.

My inability to express my thoughts and feelings through words is why my art is so vital to me, being able to articulate oneself and give physical form to abstract concepts. Francis Goya, Doris Salcedo, and Alison Sommers are artists whose works have inspired my own.

Currently I’m influenced by the anatomy and autonomy of the human body, from flesh to bone and the entrails in between. As I deform the humanoid figure, bloody viscera, teeth, and bones are often reoccurring elements giving life to sculptural amalgamations. My work is emotionally charged, directed by the materials used, everchanging in the making and creating a dialogue between myself and my artwork.