Maria May Fleming

Level 7


Recycled paper and plastic become vehicles for a narrative, pasting, cutting, drawing, and stitching a layered story. The materials take me as the maker on a journey, where the destination is not set. Exploration and imagination are my travel companions, and somehow, as if by magic, I arrive where I need to be. My practice is strongly rooted in the natural world and through the use of sculpture, collage, and drawing, I seek to portray connections, both seen and unseen, between people, the land and things that exist inside and around us. By building layers and cutting back into them I search for the intangible, enchanting, and yet to be explored. In a world where many natural connections have been severed or severely distorted, my hope is that the work can influence, heal, and repair some of the damage.

An everlasting fascination with contrast, light and colour is sought, pursued, almost grasped, but ever elusive. Myths, legends, and folktales are constant sources of inspiration. Works are energetically influenced by sacred geometry, nature’s cycles and the works of Mark Bradford, Tomoko Fuse, Harry Clarke, Emma Kunz, and Georgiana Houghton, among many others.